Caregivers of Older Adults
Caring for an older adult who is a relative or friend can be a rewarding experience, but also may be stressful and overwhelming. Sometimes caregivers need someone to talk to about their caregiving experience and perhaps help them with some difficult decisions that arise when providing care to an older adult. The Center for Caregivers offers 3 types of services for those caregivers who are interested in supportive services to help them in their caregiving experience: individual counseling, support groups and home visits. A free, initial phone consultation is available to help a caregiver determine which service would suit her or his needs.
Individual Counseling
Individual counseling is available to caregivers of older adults. Each person’s caregiving experience is unique and, through individual counseling, a caregiver can discuss her or his personal experience. In a safe and confidential environment, caregivers can discuss the challenges they face when taking care of a family member or friend. Individual sessions are 50 minutes in length.
Therapy Group
Therapy groups are available for caregivers of older adults. The groups meet once a week for 4-week sessions and can be renewed as often as a caregiver chooses. During this time, caregivers can receive support and share their stories about their caregiving experience and offer support to other caregivers. Group size is limited and one must pre-register to participate.
Home Visits
There are times when a caregiver of an older adult is not able to find someone to watch over the older adult or the caregiver, herself, may have health issues that prevents her from traveling to the office. In these situations, home visits are available to provide counseling in the caregiver’s home.